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sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Conferencias de los Testigos de Jehová

01/18/2012 - Büdingen / ACORN PUEBLO

(Red). La comunidad religiosa de los Testigos de Jehová invitan para el próximo domingo 22 De enero, otra vez en conferencias públicas una. La Asamblea Büdingen-Oeste tiene más de 10 Reloj con el tema "Aprovechar la vida real" Siempre. El tema de la conferencia de 17 horas en el Este de la Asamblea Büdingen es "¿Por qué vivir de acuerdo con las normas bíblicas". Las conferencias serán en el Salón del Reino en Büdingen (Orleshäuser Ruta 55) en su lugar. En el Salón del Reino en el distrito de Nidda Eichelsdorf (Kohler para moler 56) es de 10 reloj de una conferencia sobre "Los valores de quién compartimos?" En lugar.

Después que su hija recibe una Biblia en la escuela protesta porque le niegan a ella distribuir en las escuelas libro de hechizos

20 de janeiro de 2012

Ginger Strivelli é seguidora da Wicca, um tipo de bruxaria e se intitula pagã. Strivelli está questionando as autoridades americanas de não tem o mesmo direito que o grupo missionário Gideões em distribuir seu “livro sagrado” nas escolas púbicas.

Os Gideões Internacionais entregaram várias caixas de Bíblias na secretaria da escola North Windy Ridge, onde a filha da bruxa estuda. Todos os estudantes interessados podiam levar um exemplar para casa, e quando sua filha chegou em casa com um exemplar do livro sagrado ela questionou que as escolas não deveriam distribuir materiais de uma religião e não de outras.

Segundo Strivelli a escola respondeu que disponibilizaria da mesma forma textos religiosos doados por qualquer grupo. Porém ela diz que quando apareceu na escola levando livros de feitiços da Wicca foi mandada embora, e por isso decidiu protestar.

A história ganhou notoriedade na mídia e levou o conselho escolar a emitir uma nota oficial dizendo: “No momento estamos revisando políticas sobre essa prática com os advogados do conselho escolar. Durante este período, nenhuma escola no sistema estará aceitando doações de materiais que defendam uma determinada religião ou crença”. A decisão do conselho deve sair até o dia 2 de fevereiro.

De acordo com a Fox News Michael Broyde, professor e pesquisador no Centro para o Estudo do Direito e Religião da Emory University falou sobre o tema. Ele disse que “você deve abrir as escolas públicas para todo tipo de material religioso, ou você pode proibir todo tipo de material religioso”. O processor completou afirmando: “Você não pode dizer: Vamos distribuir material religioso, mas apenas de uma fé em particular”.

Strivelli afirmou ainda que muitos pais cristãos que tem filhos na North Windy Ridge apoiam seu protesto. Ela explica a posição dos pais cristãos dizendo que é “porque, entendem que não gostariam de ver na porta da escola as Testemunhas de Jeová distribuindo suas revistas ou católicos entrando ali distribuindo Rosários”, e enfatiza “do mesmo modo eu não gostei de saber que distribuíram Bíblias”.

Essa questão da mistura entre religião e estado tem causado polêmicas por todo o mundo e a discussão envolvendo escolas já causou problemas também na Alemanha e na Irlanda.

Scioli alquiló el Estadio Único a precio rebajado para los Testigos de Jehová

12.01.2012 23:53:00

El gobierno provincial alquiló el Estadio Ciudad de La Plata a la asociación Testigos de Jehová por una suma de 104 mil pesos. El precio es irrisorio comparado con lo que se cobra a las bandas de rock, que pagaron 250 mil dólares el día. 

Daniel Scioli le alquilará el Estadio Único a la Asociación de Testigos de Jehová a un precio rebajado, 104 mil pesos, es decir, un 10% del canon que cobraron a las bandas internacionales que tocaron en ese lugar durante 2011.

El precio salió publicado hoy en el Boletín Oficial. La resolución está firmada por el ex secretario general de la Gobernación, Javier Mouriño, tres días antes de dejar ese cargo el 10 de diciembre. En la nueva gestión de Scioli, el Estadio cambió de órbita: Ahora está bajo la conducción de la secretaría de Deportes, que pilotea Alejandro Rodríguez.

Según publicó, la resolución Nº 212 fija el precio del canon “por el permiso de uso del Estadio Ciudad de La Plata solicitado por la Asociación Testigos de Jehová con destino a la realización de un evento el 4 de marzo de 2012 en la suma de ciento cuatro mil pesos”.

En el escrito se aclara que la entidad deberá presentar las pólizas de seguro que resguarden la integridad del bien inmueble y asumir los costos adicionales en materia de seguridad con la intervención del Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad.

En 2011, pasaron por el estadio las bandas U2, Aerosmith, Guns N`Roses, Pearl Jam y Britney Spears. En todos los casos, el gobierno cobró un canon de 250 mil dólares por día.

Hay un antecedente de Scioli que muestra su solidaridad con los distintos credos. En septiembre del año pasado, le cedió en forma gratuita dos días el Estadio a Dante Gebel, un pastor argentino –radicado en Estados Unidos– que pertenece a la Iglesia de Cristal, para que diera sus conferencias ante miles de jóvenes. El “Superclásico de la Juventud”, como se llama su show, sólo se encargó de pagar la seguridad del predio por esas dos noches.

El Senado vote la extensión de la neutralidad religiosa de "niñeras"

18 janvier 2012
Le Sénat vote l’extension de la neutralité religieuse pour les « nounous » à domicile

Devant une assemblée clairsemée, la proposition de loi de Françoise Laborde (Parti radical de gauche) et du Rassemblement démocratique et social européen (RDSE), visant à étendre l’obligation de neutralité aux structures privées en charge de la petite enfance (hors établissements confessionnels) et aux assistants maternels a été adoptée, mardi 17 janvier dans la soirée. L’article 3 de ce texte prévoit : « à défaut de stipulation contraire inscrite dans le contrat qui le lie au particulier employeur, l'assistant maternel est soumis à une obligation de neutralité en matière religieuse dans le cours de son activité d'accueil d'enfants ».

Ce texte, discuté en première lecture en décembre, était soutenu par les socialistes. Les sénateurs communistes se sont abstenus, le groupe Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) a voté contre. S’appuyant sur la jurisprudence « Babyloup » qui permet aux structures privées de restreindre la liberté d'expression religieuse des salariés par le biais du règlement intérieur, la droite a renoncé à légiférer sur ce sujet et le texte ne devrait pas emporter l’adhésion de l’Assemblée nationale.

Lors de la discussion générale de décembre, Philippe Richert, ministre chargé des collectivités territoriales, avait ainsi justifié le rejet de ce texte par le gouvernement : « En souhaitant étendre au secteur privé un des grands principes fondateurs du service public, les auteurs de la proposition de loi bousculent les grands équilibres établis depuis plus de cent ans autour du principe de laïcité. Le simple fait que des employés manifestent, à titre personnel, une croyance religieuse ne met pas en danger la santé ou l’équilibre psychologique des enfants. Vous l’admettez vous-mêmes, puisque les crèches confessionnelles ne sont pas concernées. Le gouvernement estime que ces initiatives sont inopportunes au regard de notre cohésion sociale et nationale. Le texte va trop loin ; il sèmera la confusion et sera source de contentieux ; il renverra chacun chez soi, en encourageant un communautarisme qui vraiment n’a rien de républicain ».

Dénonçant « une intrusion de l’Etat dans la sphère privée », Esther Benbassa, sénatrice d’EELV s’est interrogée, mardi, sur la manière dont serait définie l’expression religieuse au domicile d’une assistante maternelle : « Une représentation de La Mecque ? Une reproduction d’une annonciation de Fra Angelico ou d’un “Judith et Holopherne” ? Une manière de préparer le repas ? »

Mères voilées ou Témoins de Jéhovah?

Le rapporteur socialiste, Alain Richard, a assuré que ce texte instituait "une règle d'information ; il ne crée aucune sorte de limitation". "Ce texte ferait obstacle à l'emploi de femmes voilées ?", s'est interrogé M.Richard. "Au contraire ! Si l'assistante maternelle est voilée, les parents seront tout de suite informés de ses croyances. Il n'y a donc aucun problème. Si des parents ne souhaitent pas que leur enfant soit élevé dans une certaine atmosphère religieuse, ils ont le droit d'être informés. Je vous renvoie à l'exemple des Témoins de Jéhovah : leur appartenance religieuse ne se voit pas immédiatement". Le président socialiste de la commission des lois, Jean-Pierre Sueur a lui salué un "texte de liberté", soulignant que la nounou pouvait être religieuse mais qu’il fallait qu’elle le soit dans « la transparence ».

Pour le collectif Mamans toutes égales qui défend les femmes musulmanes voilées, ce texte est « une loi d’exclusion insupportable. La gauche va donc plus loin que l’UMP et le Front national sur l’exclusion de ces citoyennes de la loi commune ».

Le Conseil français du culte musulman (CFCM) a, de son côté, dénoncé "une violation du droit à la vie privée", estimant que ce texte introduit "une modification majeure dans l'un des fondements de la République, qu'est le principe de laïcité". Le CFCM "souligne la gravité de la situation créée par cette proposition de loi qui risque à la veille de rendez-vous électoraux importants pour l'avenir de notre pays de susciter trouble et interrogations qui ne peuvent être que préjudiciables".

Los Testigos de Jehová se reúnen en Cañuelas

Durante los días 14 y 15 de enero, convocan a sus fieles a la Asamblea de Circuito del año 2012. La entrada es libre gratuita.

“Jesús tuvo en alta estima el nombre de su Padre, y por eso le dio el primer lugar en la oración modelo conocida como el Padrenuestro. En esta Asamblea vamos a poder disfrutar de una serie de discursos en la que se explicará cómo podemos santificar el nombre de Dios por medio de nuestros pensamientos, forma de hablar, decisiones y conducta”.

De las palabras de Jesús fue tomado el título de la asamblea de circuito del año 2012, “Santificado sea el nombre de Dios”, la que tendrá lugar en el Salón de Asambleas ubicado en la ciudad de Cañuelas ubicado en ruta 3, km 52.300 los días 14 y 15 de enero de 2012.

Los Testigos de Jehová de su localidad realizaron esa invitación a asistir, con lo que definieron como “un programa que será de mucho beneficio para los presentes”.

La entrada es libre y gratuita y no se hacen colectas.

Los Testigos de Jehová construyen la nueva sede con sus propias manos


Hasta 500 voluntarios de la Isla y de fuera han participado en los trabajos

Los Testigos Cristianos de Jehová están dando los últimos retoques a su nueva sede en Eivissa. El portavoz de los fieles de este culto en la Isla, Ismael Pujol, explicó que esta sede, por la que han pagado unos 200.000 euros, sustituye a las tres que, hasta ahora, había en Eivissa: Vila, en la avenida de España, Santa Eulària y Sant Antoni.
Para realizar los trabajos en la nueva sede han pasado por las instalaciones, situadas en una nave de la calle Music Rafael Zornoza, detrás del cuartel de la Guardia Civil, en Can Cifre, cerca de 500 voluntarios de Eivissa, Barcelona, Alicante, Menorca y Mallorca. Trabajan gratis porque, según Pujol, que en su conversación cita constantemente pasajes de la Biblia, «si ayudas a alguien, también te ayudarán a ti». Llevan trabajando cerca de dos meses en la sede y esperan poder inaugurarla en breve.
«La siempre constante pero creciente necesidad de encontrar sentido a la vida, así como satisfacer la necesidad espiritual inherente en el ser humano, nos ha movido a buscar unas nuevas instalaciones que satisfagan las grandes necesidades de los ciudadanos ibicencos», señala el portavoz, que explicó que los gastos del nuevo salón se han sufragado con donaciones voluntarias y anónimas de los miembros de los Testigos Cristianos de Jehová.
Los fieles realizan dos reuniones semanales y, aunque las tres congregaciones compartirán la nueva sede, conservarán su identidad individual y se reunirán en horarios diferentes.
«Aquí, en las reuniones no hacemos como otras religiones, sino que nosotros participamos todos», señala Pujol, que apunta que no tienen relación con la Iglesia católica porque son «pocas cosas» las que les unen. «Nosotros, por ejemplo, a diferencia de la Iglesia católica, no apoyamos las guerras», destacó Pujol, un mallorquín de 30 años de edad afincado en Eivissa.
En la actualidad son unos 300 testigos de Jehová entre las congregaciones de Vila, Santa Eulària y Sant Antoni.

«En tiempos de abundancia, ahorrar; y con dificultades, saber gastar»
En tiempos como los actuales, los Testigos de Jehová «ofrecemos esperanza», señala Ismael Pujol. Ahora, con la crisis, «se aprecia el sentido de nuestras enseñanzas; en tiempos de abundancia hay que ahorrar y cuando llegan las dificultades hay que saber gastar», advierte. Pujol también envía un mensaje apocalíptico: «La Biblia dice que estamos en los últimos días. Mateo en el capítulo 24 muestra que existen señales que advierten del final, como guerras entre países, terremotos, enfermedades...».

El portavoz de los Testigos de Jehová en Eivissa, Ismael Pujol, en el salón principal de la nueva sede con la que cuentan los fieles en la Isla

Planes para el centro de los Testigos de Jehová en New Addington

Lunes, 16 de enero 2012

DETAILED plans have been put forward to rebuild a religious base in the town.

An application was submitted to Croydon Council last month to demolish a number of existing buildings to make way for an improved base for Jehovah's Witnesses in New Addington.

The proposal, submitted on December 23 and registered on January 3, includes partial demolition of the existing buildings on Pioneer Place in Featherbed Lane, with the erection of replacement buildings which will include ancillary facilities.

A consultation period on the plans for the former Greenfield School site has now started, and finishes on February 2.

Details on the Croydon Council website say a final decision on whether or not to grant permission will be made by April 3.

A total of 28 neighbours surrounding the area have been consulted for their opinions on the plans but it appears none have made any complaints. The application site is located in the Metropolitan Green Belt and currently comprises a number of single and two-storey "pavilion style" buildings.

The site is owned and has been used as the main centre for Jehovah's Witnesses in the Croydon area since it was bought from the council back in 1987.

The applicant, named online as Steve Hunting, has stated the proposal will "increase and enhance" the open space of the Green Belt by removing poor quality buildings and replacing them with new planting and soft-landscaped areas.

In his letter to planning inspectors, it states: "The proposed scheme will safeguard the visual amenities and openness of the site in accordance with Green Belt objectives.

"These plans will preserve and enhance the openness of the Green Belt and overall site in this location."

To view the application visit and type in planning reference 11/03662/RES.

Los testigos de Jehová se somete a cirugía sin sangre

American Jehovah's witnesses undergoes bloodless surgery
PTI | 05:01 PM,Jan 14,2012

Bangalore, Jan 14 (PTI) Seventy-four-year-old Jack Jones from the United States has become the first American Jehovah’s witnesses to undergo a coronary artery bypass grafting surgery in India without blood transfusion, doctors at a heart hospital where the procedure was conducted, claimed today. Jehovah’s witnesses as a group of religious people do not believe in blood transfusion. They strongly believe in the philosophy that blood belonging to another human being cannot be used even to save the patient’s life. In the process modern surgeries on Jehovah’s witnesses pose a significant challenge to the medical community. Narayana Hrudayalaya, one of the country's leading super speciality hospitals, has been practicing bloodless surgery on the heart for many years and has operated on many Jehovah’s witnesses in the past. However, Jones is the first American Jehovah’s witnesses to undergo a bypass grafting surgery in India, a team of doctors who operated upon him, told reporters here. "I am happy with the surgery", Jones, who lives in New York, said of the December 29 procedure. Dr. Praveen Kumar said the hospital had given commitment to Jones that blood would not be transfused, even in worst case. But Jehovah's witnesses do accept several alternatives to blood transfusion. "Even if the situation is grave and the patient is dying, we are not supposed to transfuse blood. That's where the challenge is", he said. Doctors Rajesh T R, Sharad Damodar and Madhu Prakash were other members of the team who performed the surgery. PTI RS MSR VS

Mltan a hombre que pateo a un testigo que predicaba en su propiedad

Westerwälder verpasst Zeuge Jehovas Tritt in den Po: Geldstrafe

19.01.2012, 16:02 Uh

Westerburg - Ein Zeuge Jehovas ist bei seiner Missionstätigkeit von einem Hauseigentümer übel malträtiert worden. Ein 35-Jähriger, dem der „religiöse Unsinn“ wohl zu viel des Guten war, trat ihn aus vollem Lauf und mit heftiger Wucht ins Gesäß. Der Übeltäter wurde am Amtsgericht in Westerburg zu einer Geldstrafe von 1800 Euro verurteilt. Ebenso muss er die Kosten des Verfahrens tragen. Vor Gericht bedauerte er sein Fehlverhalten sehr.

Es war eine Szene wie sie im Alltag häufig vorkommt. Es klingelt an der Haustür, draußen steht ein Zeuge Jehovas, der seinem Predigtwerk nachkommt. Der Hauseigentümer öffnet die Tür, dann jedoch nimmt das Geschehen eine ungeahnte Entwicklung. „Der fing an irgendwelchen religiösen Unsinn zu erzählen, da habe ich ihn gebeten das Grundstück zu verlassen“, rechtfertigte sich der 35-Jährige.

Als es ihm offensichtlich nicht schnell genug ging, rennt er hinterher und tritt dem Mann mit voller Wucht ins Gesäß. Der Zeugen Jehovas leidet über mehrere Tage an Schmerzen in Folge einer starken Prellung. Doch mehr noch als dies macht ihm nach dem Vorfall die Demütigung zu schaffen, die ihm zugefügt wurde, da sich der Zwischenfall in aller Öffentlichkeit vor Zeugen ereignete.

Als der Vorfall jetzt vor Gericht landet, entschuldigt sich der Treter bei seinem Opfer. „Wenn man auch eine andere religiöse Auffassung vertritt, so gebietet es einem im Leben doch die Toleranz, dass man nicht mit Gewalt vorgeht“, belehrte Richter Hans Helmut Strüder den Übeltäter.

Wenn ein Zeuge Jehovas an der Haustüre klingele, könne dies durchaus schon mal lästig sein, aber man müsse doch so viel Souveränität an den Tag legen, um solch ein Gespräch auf friedliche Weise abwickeln zu können. Schließlich seien die Zeugen Jehovas ja auch friedvolle Leute, so der Richter. wez

Свидетели Иеговы приходят в села Дитак и Джрашен и пытаются обратить жителей в свою веру: пресса

Прошло уже 5 месяцев, как газета «Еркир» сообщила, что в каждую среду в Араратском марзе проводят массовую агитацию.

«Проблема в том, что в каждую среду Свидетели Иеговы приходят в села Дитак и Джрашен и пытаются направить людей «на путь истинный».

«После того, как вы написали об этом, на какое то время они успокоились, однако, потом опять в каждую среду начали стучаться в наши двери и раздавать свои книжки», – сказал один из жителей Дитака.

Селяне жалуются на навязчивость Свидетелей Иеговы и считают, что руководство должно что-то предпринять для их усмирения».

Granja Purdy en Greenwich se vende por $ 1 millón

One of Greenwich's last working farms, and the center of a property dispute dating back several years, has been sold.

The two-acre Purdy's Farm property at 1353 King St. sold last Thursday for $1 million to the Jehovah's Witnesses of Greenwich and Port Chester, N.Y., which have plans to build a church on the property. The Jehovah's Witnesses also purchased the adjacent property at 1357 King St. for $500,000. That property will be used for residences, according to Elsie Pecorin, the broker at Weichert Realtors who has been marketing the property since 2008.

The properties were originally put on the market five years ago for a combined $4 million.

The Jehovah's Witnesses, which have locations on Stanwich Road in Greenwich and King Street in Port Chester, could not be reached for comment.

The land has been the subject of a legal dispute between original owner and farmer Del Zanette, and his partners Ronald Pecunies and Arthur Watson Jr., the owners of Mercedes-Benz of Greenwich.

Zanette, who about eight years ago was facing foreclosure, entered into a partnership with Pecunies and Watson, who lent Zanette money to meet his back mortgage payments and helped secure another mortgage for him. In return, Zanette signed away control of the property, yet maintained a 50 percent membership in the properties, according to Robert Kaelin, the former lawyer for Pecunies and Watson.

Zanette was evicted from the farm in 2008 after losing a battle in the Norwalk Housing Court for allegedly failing to pay rent, and then again in 2010.

Both Zanette and Pecunies died in 2010. Pecunies' widow is currently in a battle with his young German mistress over his multimillion-dollar estate, which includes a rent-controlled Manhattan apartment, according to published reports.

Reached Wednesday, Watson confirmed that the property had been sold, but referred further questions to his attorney, Jonathan Mills, who declined to comment.

Pecorin said the legal dispute surrounding the property was resolved before the sale closed.

"Everybody was covered by an attorney, and it was all worked out through one attorney at the end," Pecorin said. "All in all, it worked for everyone, I think."

Prior to his 2008 eviction, Zanette was one of the last two farmers in Greenwich. The last remaining farmer is John Augustin, who operates a farm on King Street.

A group called the Greenwich Farmland Preservation Coalition had been hoping to buy the property, but Jim Carr, a member of the coalition, said the legal issues surrounding the land, coupled with the economic downturn, made the purchase difficult.

"We didn't know who we were dealing with," Carr said. "That's what really prevented things from moving forward."

Carr said the coalition is still operating, but purchasing open space is difficult because of property values.

"Our big problem is to do an outright purchase of land, and in this economy it's difficult to raise money," Carr said.

Staff Writer Lisa Chamoff can be reached at or 203-625-4439.

Zeugen Jehovas lassen Rechtsstreit mit Land ruhen

Freitag, 20. Januar 2012, 20:03 Uhr

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - Die umstrittene Glaubensgemeinschaft Zeugen Jehovas lässt ihren Rechtsstreit mit dem Land Baden-Württemberg nach einem Zeitungsbericht vorerst ruhen. Dies sagte eine Sprecherin des Stuttgarter Verwaltungsgerichts den «Stuttgarter Nachrichten» (Samstag). Die Zeugen Jehovas wollen sich dagegen wehren, dass die ehemalige schwarz-gelbe Landesregierung sie rechtlich nicht den großen Kirchen gleichstellen will. Laut dem Bericht warten beide Seiten nun aber auf eine Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts.

Jehovah’s Witnesses call God’s kingdom the true government

At the age of 18, Rachel Walters already is a traveling minister. She's had the door slammed in her face. She's heard her share of slurs. A few people have answered their doors wearing nothing but a towel.

But it doesn't deter the young Jehovah's Witness from Bowling Green. Her belief is everything, she said.

"I like ... the preaching work," Walters said. "It gives us a chance to go out and bring our hope to other people."

It's that hope that drives Jehovah's Witnesses. They are a unique group, especially this year. During a time when conversations are buzzing about the upcoming presidential election - and religion is a big part of that discussion - Jehovah's Witnesses stay away from anything political.

They don't believe in government. They don't vote, join the military or wave the American flag. They don't celebrate holidays. They believe that trinities are evil.

It all goes back to their belief that the true government is God's kingdom, which will soon take over. Their beliefs stem from a strict interpretation of the Bible and the histories of certain events, such as holidays.

While it's a newer belief, about 500 Jehovah's Witnesses reside in Bowling Green, which is home to two meeting halls. About 30 years ago, one meeting hall in Park City served the entire area with an estimated 30 Jehovah's Witnesses, said Glen Pennington, an elder.

Now, about 150 people pack the smaller of the two Kingdom Halls. In the brick building on Mount Olivet Road, people are singing upbeat songs, discussing the Bible, reading their study guides and mapping out their door-to-door ministries.

In a tiny room, color-coded and numbered maps hang from the walls. It's where witnesses are assigned territories to cover.

When they're baptized, Jehovah's Witnesses become ordained ministers and are expected to travel to homes, briefly speaking to residents. There's no clergy, but appointed elders organize events at each meeting hall, Pennington said.

Pennington, of Bowling Green, has preached for decades. He's convinced many people to give Jehovah's Witnesses a try. And there are those who don't want to hear it.

He's encountered angry dogs and surly people. When he witnessed in New York, a group of ministers would travel to some of the most dangerous neighborhoods. They never shied away from an area, he said.

"Some people ... either they don't like people in general coming to their door or they may feel something about Jehovah's Witnesses that either they don't understand or want to deal with," he said. "So, we respect them."

In fact, there's one misconception about Jehovah's Witnesses that many agree is the biggest misunderstanding - the idea that they're not Christians. That's not true, they say.

While they don't believe in the Christian trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, they have a firm belief in Jesus Christ.

"We talk about Jehovah God, because that's God the father's name," said Tammy Walters, a Jehovah's Witness from Bowling Green. "But Jesus is his son. We believe his sacrifice is the key to our salvation."

They believe that Jesus is the head of God's heavenly government, which will soon rule the earth. When that happens, God's people will be resurrected from the grave and live again on earth, they claim.

"Many religions are heaven-oriented. That we're just here for a while, then we die and go to a better place," Pennington said. "We don't believe the Bible teaches that at all. The earth originally was man's home."

That doesn't mean they don't believe in a type of heaven. Heaven is where God is, where he rules from. Only a select few will go there. The rest will simply be resurrected to live again on earth, Pennington said.

They also don't believe in the traditional idea of hell - a place of fire and brimstone. The grave itself is the equivalent of hell, and the Bible compares death to sleep, not torment, they say.

Those who remain dead in their graves after the resurrection period will stay in hell, according to their beliefs.

"Everybody goes to hell when they die, even Jesus," said George Perry, an elder. "The Bible uses hell as a place to go when life ends, as we know it ... they're not tortured in hell fire. They just cease to exist."

They believe that people should continually work to stay in God's favor, so they try to be as unworldly as possible. Still, they partake in normal activities just like everyone else, they say.

They get married, have families, go to school, play sports. They even believe it's OK to drink alcohol, but in moderation. In fact, some Jehovah's Witnesses are alcoholics, Pennington said.

But they're different in other ways, most notably their refusal to celebrate holidays and birthdays. They believe many holidays are actually rooted in evil and are not biblical - not even Easter or Christmas.

"Christmas is simply not Christian," Pennington said. "There's nothing biblical (saying) to celebrate Christ's birth. Plus, Jesus was not born on Dec. 25."

Furthermore, some claim Christmas originally was a pagan holiday. It was first observed during a celebration to a sun god, said Banks Crandell, a Jehovah's Witness.

There are other misconceptions, Crandell claims, such as the idea that Jesus died on a cross. He was crucified, but not on a cross - the cross is actually a traditional pagan symbol, Crandell said.

"Jesus was never put on a cross," he said. "He was on a pole."

As for birthdays, there's nothing Christian about celebrating one's birth. Birthdays are mentioned in a few biblical scriptures, and each one happens during a terrible event, Jehovah's Witnesses claim.

For example, Herod was celebrating his birthday when he ordered the beheading of John the Baptist. Another scripture tells the story of Pharaoh, who celebrated his birthday by executing his chief baker, they say.

Some Jehovah's Witnesses say it was difficult to give up those celebrations after converting. Peggy Ashley, for example, researched the idea after studying to become a Jehovah's Witness, she said.

"Nothing was bad except Christmas," said Ashley, of Bowling Green. "We were brought up to believe in Christmas. When I started studying, I questioned that."

But for firm believers, such as Ashley, it's the only way to live. Many spend any spare time witnessing to others or studying, and some dedicate their lives to the ministry.

When 14-year-old Keagan Zachary graduates high school, getting a job is not the priority. Instead, she wants to attend pioneer school, where she will become a full-time Jehovah's Witness minister, she said.

Keagan, who is home-schooled, has already started her ministry. She travels door-to-door in an attempt to share her beliefs with others. It's always rewarding, but not always easy, she said.

"Sometimes it gets pretty ugly. Last month, a brother told me I was going to hell," Keagan said. "I tried to stay calm and not take it personally because they have their own beliefs."
