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jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Russia: "This isn't about freedom of conscience or censorship". Rusia BLoque sitio web de los Testigos de Jehová

Expuesto el: Viernes, 02 de Diciembre de 2011 10:55

Russian state censorship increasingly extended nationwide in November to cover Jehovah's Witness websites - and possibly also Hare Krishna sms announcements, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. A Prosecutor's Office official claimed to Forum 18 that blocking the websites "isn't about freedom of conscience or censorship - it's about restricting access to extremist materials." Also, four more Jehovah's Witness publications have been banned nationwide by being added to the Federal List of Extremist Materials. Meanwhile, attempts to ban the Russian translation of a key book for Hare Krishna devotees - the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is - have been delayed. The reason is a delay for an unknown length of time in producing an "expert analysis" before the case can resume. Elsewhere, on 22 December an appeal is due to be heard after the second trial of Jehovah's Witness Aleksandr Kalistratov on "extremism" charges. Also facing "extremism" charges is a Muslim reader of the works of theologian Said Nursi, Ilham Merazhov. He is challenging the search of his home and the launching of a criminal case against him.

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